Nederland 28 maal genomineerd bij Eurobest

Eurobest behoort net als Cannes Lions, Dubai Lynx (het reclamefestival voor het Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika) en Spikes Asia tot de zogeheten Lions Festivals van het beursgenoteerde Britse Ascential.
De exacte ranking onder de Nederlandse genomineerden is:
180 Amsterdam 5 nominaties
Media.Monks 4
Wieden+ Kennedy Amsterdam 4
Fitzroy 3
Ajax / One:Nil 3
Cheil Benelux 3
Publicis Benelux 3
n=5 1
Hieronder alle genomineerde campagnes in de verschillende (sub)categorieën:
Brand Experience & Activation
C01 Guerrilla Marketing & Stunts: Lay’s Iconic Restaurant – Fitzroy
G08 Market Disruption: A Piece of Ajax – One:Nil
F01 Consumer Products: The Helping Plate – Hak / DDB Unlimited
Digital Craft
B01 UX & Journey Design: The Uncensored Library – Reporters Without Borders / Media.Monks
C02 Brand Integration for Games: The Uncensored Library – Reporters Without Borders / Media.Monks
D01 Sports: Film, Series & Audio: The Land of New Football – Nike / Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam
D05 Audience Targeting or Distribution Strategy: A Piece of Ajax – One:Nil
A01 Consumer Goods + B01 Consumer Goods: The Land of New Football – Nike / Wieden+Kennedy
A05 Consumer Services / Business to Business: Freedom – Centraal Beheer / DDB Unlimite
G05 Cultural Insight: You Can't Stop Us: Victory Swim – Nike / Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam
A01 Innovative Technology: Samsung FastFrame – Cheil Benelux
A01 Consumer Goods + B06 Use of Events / Stunts: Lay’s Iconic Restaurant – Fitzroy
B08 Use of Mobile & Devices + B09 Use of Social Platforms: Messi Messages – Lay’s / 180 Amsterdam
G07 Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility: Accept to Enter – n=5/HPB
A06 Innovative use of Technology: Samsung FastFrame – Cheil Benelux
B03 Social Content for User Engagement + B06 Targeted Communication + C02 Messaging Campaign: Messi Messages – Lay’s / 180 Amsterdam
A06 Not-for-profit / Charity / Government + B04 Content Creation & Production: The Uncensored Library – Reporters Without Borders / Media.Monks
E05 Sponsorship & Brand Partnership: Samsung FastFrame – Cheil Benelux
G08 Market Disruption: A Piece of Ajax – One:Nil
B06 Not-for-profit / Charity / Government: Don’t Miss Important Notifications – Think Pink / Publicis Benelux
D03 Special Build + E02 Ambient Outdoor: Millboard – Mercedes-Benz / Publicis Benelux
Op woensdag 15 december worden alle winnaars van Eurobest 2021 The European Awards for Creativity bekend gemaakt.