Rachelle - the woman with whom Marnix and Jur have started the strategic initiative Brave The Sea - has been declared by magazine OPZIJ to be 1 of the 10 most influential women in the Netherlands in the category ‘business life’.
She’s seen as a specialist in setting up new, successful formulas for companies. There is a long list of successful companies to which Van der Linden has contributed. She has already worked for NLZiet and EnergieDirect for example. “In the end I became a passionate entrepreneur focussed on the future 24/7. That’s what makes me happy.” according to Rachelle.
The Top 100 is compiled by OPZIJ to make the work and impact of women in our society more visible and bigger.
Under the heading ‘instant innovation’ Brave The Sea builds new speed boats for existing companies that are in need of innovation. Interested in what Brave The Sea can do for your organisation or brand? Mail us for an informal talk.