We won a golden Effie Award!

Hartstichting, Lay's and Skoda win golden Effie Awards
At Theater Amsterdam, the Effie Awards 2022 were presented. All fourteen of them.
The Hartstichting, Lay's (PepsiCo) and Skoda Netherlands won a Golden Effie during the award night at Theater Amsterdam. A total of 14 awards were presented. The Effies are awarded to the most effective advertising campaigns.
Silver Effie Awards went to McDonald's, Ohra, IVN Natuureducatie, A.S. Watson Health & Beauty Benelux and Stichting Het Vergeten Kind. Six Bronze Effie Awards were also presented.
Led by jury chairman Alfred Levi, the sixty judges evaluated 38 cases, 14 of which won awards. That was one more than last year.
'Boundaries Effies have been pushed'
A number of trends were evident among the 2022 entries. Chief Judge Hans Middelhoek: 'First, this year we not only see cases with social relevance coming back in the Social category, but also in other categories. For example, in the Brand category and the Impactful Proposition category. It has become an important part of our profession.'
In addition, Middelhoek says, the boundaries of the Effie Awards have shifted. 'We have become a marketing award. And the role that marketing can play goes far. With impact on the organization and society.' According to Middelhoek, the Covid years have put everyone on edge. 'Creativity has been sparked as a result.'
There were many entries in the Brand category this year. That, according to Middelhoek, is striking. 'It seems the realization is that investing in your brand is valuable. In recent years we sometimes expressed our concern about short-term thinking in the profession. That message seems to have arrived.'
There were also many entries in the Successful Introduction category this year. Middelhoek: 'Innovations that conquer a place in the market within a year. Creativity permeates all disciplines here.'

The winners
Netherlands one 6-Minuteszone
Advertiser: Hartstichting
Agency/agencies: Triple Double | Initiative | Bijl PR
Category: Society
17,000 people a year suffer cardiac arrest outside the hospital. The Dutch are happy to help save lives, but "how," that is often unknown. With this insight, the Hartstichting set to work: the whole of the Netherlands had to become a 6-minute zone, because in case of cardiac arrest, resuscitation within 6 minutes is crucial. The Hartstichting took the lead and launched a layered marketing campaign that was highly effective in terms of knowledge, attitude and behavior, partly thanks to smart partnerships. There was one central call system with 245,000 civilian aid workers and a nationwide network of AEDs. The Heart Foundation proves that putting a social issue on the agenda is important, but that taking the lead in approach and implementation is decisive. Thousands of lives are saved every year.
Lay's Iconic Restaurant Flavours
Advertiser: Lay's (PepsiCo)
Agency/agencies: Fitzroy Amsterdam | OMD Nederland | King George | Native Nation
Category: Succesfull introduction
In a saturated market with a high me-too content, the key is to find innovative flavors that cannot be copied. The closure of the restaurant industry during the corona lockdown provided Lay's with the angle to such a unique innovation. Lay's used the unsatisfied desire to eat out and, with three fast food chains, brought new potato chip flavors to market. A great idea that, thanks to a rock-solid strategy, a cleverly phased approach and surprising activations, reached the target group. With great numbers in market share, penetration, awareness and image as a result. A super strong product introduction, successful through smart co-branding and consistent marketing and communication.
How to conquer the hearts of the Netherlands with Saturday
Advertiser: Skoda Netherlands
Agency/agencies: Selmore Creative Agency | MediaCom Nederland
Category: Brand
A brand without much appeal, that means that there is work to do. Substantial growth in market share was the ambition. But cars and Saturday, what do they have to do with each other? A lot, ŠKODA discovered. Many car owners and lease drivers let the choice of a car depend on what they do with it on weekends. ŠKODA abandoned the international course, idiosyncratically positioned itself as the ideal car for families and claimed Saturday as its domain, in a bold strategy. Not driving performance but practical use became the core of the distinctive campaign. Strong underpinnings including Category Entry Points proved its effectiveness. Market share increased from 4 to nearly 6.3% in 5 years, thanks to consistent brand building.