itMoos. A good house for everybody
They develop products & services that really matter. They motivate people to do more with their lives. In an ecologically, socially and economically responsible way.
Not by taking obvious things for granted. But by looking at things in a different, unconventional way.
They offer affordable social housing that is future-proof, modular and industrial. Where you can adapt your own home to your lifestyle. Residents participate and help decide what their neighborhood will look like.
Portable permanent housing
If it were up to Moos, they would solve the housing shortage and the climate challenge in one fell swoop. The solution is already here. With their systemic way of building and focus on value, they create sustainable homes that challenge the status quo.
A modular design system
The modular design system, perfectly reflects the modular building blocks used by itMoos to create its affordable housing. With each module simultaneously unique and repetitive.